"Local" Spots

Information and Issues with PowerSDR KE9NS DX Spotting, LoTW features, Time sync features, and Tracking World Map features.
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"Local" Spots

Post by W2ASC »

I was wondering if there is a way whereby I can create a "local" spot on the panadapter? There are times when I would like to identify a signal on my display that canbe seen by me only, rather than posting it to the world via a cluster.

Thanks and 73,

Tony NY2A
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Re: "Local" Spots

Post by ke9ns »

Not sure I fully understand you question....

BUT... with PowerSDR in focus, hit ALT+M automatically creates a new MEMORY (copying all your current settings in the process), and calling naming it by the frequency and "New Spot", so you can open up the MEMORY screen and rename it

Then in the SPOTTER screen, make sure to check the "MEMORIES to Pan" checkbox

Creator of PowerSDR KE9NS v2.8, based on the Flex Radio PowerSDR v2.7.2 software.
Flex-5000, LDMOS and Titan Amps, G5RV, and Mosley TA-33 Junior
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