I can see that near line 5059 clearly it is supposed to allow the change if Windows WDM-KS is the driver selected.
Code: Select all
if (((new_driver_name != "Windows WDM-KS") && (new_driver_name != "ASIO")) && udAudioLatency2.Value < 50)
MessageBox.Show(new Form { TopMost = true }, "The VAC1 Driver type selected does not support a Buffer Latency value less than 120ms. " +
"Buffer Latency values less than 120ms are only valid when using the WDM-KS VAC audio driver.\n\n" +
"The VAC1 Buffer Latency has been reset to the default of 120ms. " +
"Make sure to save your Transmit profile to make the change persistent.",
"Invalid VAC1 Buffer Latency Value",
udAudioLatency2.Value = 120;
Fun trick, Both Select A and Select B need to be compliant for it to take the < 50ms value.
I tested by changing both Select A & B to "Windows WDM-KS" and it didn't bark.
Code: Select all
if (comboAudioDriver2.SelectedIndex < 0) return;
Hmm... I was asking myself, " Is the cleared Select X radio button returning 0 or -1 ?"
I'm pretty sure a clear radio button should return -1 but could it be returning 0 ???
Then I saw this bit in chkAudioEnableVAC_CheckedChanged:
Code: Select all
if (val)
if ((comboAudioDriver2.SelectedIndex < 0) && (comboAudioDriver2.Items.Count > 0)) comboAudioDriver2.SelectedIndex = 0;
if ((comboAudioDriver2B.SelectedIndex < 0) && (comboAudioDriver2B.Items.Count > 0)) comboAudioDriver2B.SelectedIndex = 0;
Ahh, it kinda looks like comboAudioDriver2.SelectedIndex or comboAudioDriver2B.SelectedIndex is being changed here?
If that "0" is still set when it gets to comboAudioDriver2_SelectedIndexChanged or comboAudioDriver2B_SelectedIndexChanged
I don't think it'll pass over the inactive selection.
I'm not a developer by trade,I am an infrastructure engineer but I straddle the gap and closely support our application development team.
I also haven't looked through the whole setup.cs, So I could totally be missing something here.
Without loading the whole stack on my machine and building a release I can't even try.
But It would be neat to dial the KS driver all the way down.
Just thinking out loud...Thanks for listening. hihi