PSDR lockups during startup

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PSDR lockups during startup

Post by n4rww »

Darin Thanks for all the work you do with this program. You made it go from so so to great. Been using it for about 8 months now with 0 problems until .166. It hangs on startup. I did a repair with the upgrade and still no go. My flex version works fine. I installed 2.8 and did a fresh install and it worked fine. re did all my settings and the next morning no go, locked half way through loading.A friend had the same problem, and he said I had a corrupt .xml file and to go uninstall and manual delete all folders for the 2.8. I did program x86 and user appdat/roaming. Is it hid in more places?
Did a fresh install .167 with new download ,worked fine, did my updates on my settings. Everything was fine till I did a shutdown then a start no go , locks up half way through loading.
Computer is quad core intel 6800, 8g mem , win10 64 , little old but run every thing fine till .166. The program runs fine on the first run after a install but on a later restart it locks. Something in the way I set it up? Is there any files I can send you to look at? Thanks Walt
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Re: PSDR lockups during startup

Post by ke9ns »

I found some issues with txprofiles that can cause a crash at startup.
Go download incremental .168 and install.
If you already updated to .168, download and install again. Install it 2 times. The 2nd time select Repair.
See if that fixes it.
Otherwise, take a screen shot of the fault message.

Creator of PowerSDR KE9NS v2.8, based on the Flex Radio PowerSDR v2.7.2 software.
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Re: PSDR lockups during startup

Post by n4rww »

Darin It,s back to the same thing again. But Flex software works and the demo mode works. I got it going from the .167( I think) by removed all folders pertaining to 2.8 and doing a fresh install. I didn't do all the settings changes at once . I would do a few and export the data base.Got it where I wanted it almost.Not sure hat I did on the last shutdown but I stopped using the stop button and just used the X.also I had a few windows open, setup,
EQ and ant. In the EQ I had the 9 band and the 28 band together button checked. I was messing with the audio before I shut down. Before I just had the 3 band going.
Hhow do I import a saved working .xml file when the program won't open? Will a import in demo mode work? I'm sure It's something in the setup configurations that not working together. Thanks Walt N4RWW

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Re: PSDR lockups during startup

Post by ke9ns »

You would need to go into the database folder: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\FlexRadio Systems\PowerSDR v2.8.0\
Then remove any file with your radios serial number in the file name (you may have 5 or more files).

Launch PowerSDR and then do a setup->Import database

Darrin ke9ns
Creator of PowerSDR KE9NS v2.8, based on the Flex Radio PowerSDR v2.7.2 software.
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Re: PSDR lockups during startup

Post by n4rww »

Darrin Thank you everything is working now. I got a little worried when a error message said I had the wrong program ( xml was from 167) but it worked. I did a few minor changes and shutdown and reboot and still working. Do you have any idea on what might be causing this? Before when it didn't start I was messing with the EQ. This time it is still in the 3 band but I did do changes in the receive and transmit. Also what do the blue and green lines represent? Red is 0db and blue and green shows the db gain but the lines together in the receive?
And I could not get it to make a cw id.I made one before and it worked ok. My tx waterfall works, I can record a cw and play back but cant get it to work in the cw id. and I did rename it. Well thanks very much Darren 73's Walt N4RWW
(I'll take notes on what I do in changes from now on.Maybe this will give something to go with.)
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Re: PSDR lockups during startup

Post by G6LTT »

Hi guys I have the same problem on the Flex 1500 if I use the EQ program will not run again after close so now running wit EQs off.

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Re: PSDR lockups during startup

Post by ke9ns »

Using .169 I have not been able to make it crash trying different TXEQ settings, but I have using a Flex-5000.
I also tried different EQ settings after a "Factory Defaults", and it ran OK with no crash.

I will try it out on a Flex-1500 and see what happens.

There might be some setting I am missing?

Darrin ke9ns
Creator of PowerSDR KE9NS v2.8, based on the Flex Radio PowerSDR v2.7.2 software.
Flex-5000, LDMOS and Titan Amps, G5RV, and Mosley TA-33 Junior
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