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Taming the spikes

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 5:04 pm
Hi Darrin,

In your opinion, are there display settings to reduce the peaks across the display? I'm using the AvgB option on the display. Is there a way to slow the panadapter down or is what I'm seeing just noise around my QTH. I'm averaging about S4 of noise when this capture was taken.
SDRScreenSave__USB_28.249900MHz_13-12-2022 5_59_36 PM.jpg
SDRScreenSave__USB_28.249900MHz_13-12-2022 5_59_36 PM.jpg (133.98 KiB) Viewed 15767 times

Re: Taming the spikes

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:47 am
by ke9ns
I run my setup with AVGp, so I just avg the Pan and not the waterfall since I like to see the waterfall detail.

The timing of the AVG is under setup->display->Averaging time (I have mine set to 400ms)
but I also have the setup->display->FPS = 30 and the waterfall avg time = 30 and update = 30
and the analog refresh = 50 (for the analog meter needle movement)
I also have "hi-res Panafall" and "Avg Pan move" both ON
