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USB Relay

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:40 pm
by K2GC
Well, since I have asked elsewhere about flewire with no luck, and was mostly directed to the USB relay board, I guess its time to try to round up more info.

I have a USB 8 relay board to use. I can make it operate using ddutil.

My issue is, I cant seem to tell DDutil to switch to a relay based on a transverter frequency....

An important feature to me, is to use something (ie this relay board) to turn the transverters on/off.

Any ideas?

Re: USB Relay

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:53 pm
by K2GC
I think I got it!!!

using the band data file.... when entering the frequency, it needs to match the exact range in the transverter setup.

Seems to work great now!